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Empowered, engaged, courageous, authentic

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my coaching style

I empower people to feel alive, engaged and passionate about their work and life, courageously and consciously creating a life they love. I enable people to think larger, become great leaders and make a difference through authentic choice.


My coaching style focuses on an awareness of the present, ambitious goal setting and action to get you there.


My clients describe me as calm, curious, peaceful and intuitive. I create a safe and compassionate space, allowing you to bring every part of you to the table without judgement or criticism.


I will actively listen and hear you, connect the dots and highlight the patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. I’m your number one fan, here to champion, challenge and empower you to be the best version of your most authentic self. Committing the time and energy to do this work, we create a flow in our lives. This flow will create a momentum and trajectory that feels empowered and authentic.


I use the model based on the Co-Active Coach training I received with CTI. Coactive or CTI is a global professional training and certification programme used by over a third of The Fortune 100.

my coaching style

I create a safe and collaborative environment for you to get clear about your emotions and aspects of your life. We’ll identify and build on your strengths, values, visions and aspirations. We’ll gain clarity on your inner purpose and the attainable steps to reach it, addressing and removing blockages on your path.

Coaching with me will give you back your dreams and choices.

The Four Cornerstones of the Co-Active Model


      People are naturally creative, resourceful and whole.


We are innately capable of developing, growing, and making discoveries, recovering and learning from our mistakes and failures. The world is full of humans seeking support and eager to be championed.


      Dance in this moment.


Allowing ourselves to be present in THIS moment creates an opportunity for growth in ourselves and our relationships. We engage with one another with deep curiosity, awareness, and presence, letting go of limiting stories, strategies, attachments, and assumptions.


      Focus on the whole person.


We include all aspects of our humanity: heart, mind, body and spirit, and the many roles a person may have. For example, one person may be a parent, leader, provider or writer. Many of us seek wholeness and expression of ourselves in every facet of who we are, what we do and our values.


      Evoke transformation.


Transformation is a profound shift in essence on the path of evolution. As humans, we’re yearning to grow and develop into the best possible expression of ourselves. Within a co-active relationship, sustainable transformation evokes through awareness, discovery, learning, and growth.


      Co-active is not a destination.


Co-active simply means “being together in action”. This coaching type helps you stretch your sight line, pushes you out of your comfort zone and grow through that journey. It allows you to understand your journey, designing your life’s quest by rediscovering your courage. This courage helps you shape who you want to be and the life you’ve dreamt of.






call or message me on 07734208224 to discuss if and how I may be able to help you

my coaching style

Impact Now


Address a pressing need to transform single or multiple aspects of your life.

  • Get clear on how you feel about all areas of your life (work, family, relationships, romance, finances, health, hobbies, fun, personal growth).

  • Create goals and aspirations to create a life you love.

  • Address and move through areas where you are stuck.

You will create a life you love most efficiently, effectively and authentically. This transformation will be deep and meaningful.


Weekly sessions of 1 hour. Three-month commitment (12 sessions minimum).


Deep meaningful transformation


Helping you become clear on how you’re feeling in all areas of your life, creating goals and clearing blockages.


  • Achieve meaningful change and a greater sense of fulfilment, authenticity and empowerment.


Fortnightly sessions of 1 hour. Six-month commitment (12 sessions minimum).


A light touch to achieve balance and consistency


When you are comfortable with your life’s direction but feel you could benefit from additional independent support to help you reach and maintain your most authentic self and to hold you accountable on your journey of wholeness.


  • We will work on unblocking areas that are causing you to feel stuck.


One 90-minute session per month. Six-month commitment (6 sessions minimum).


Do you feel stuck in your career or seeking a promotion?


Whatever kind of fulfilment you need, from becoming more recognised in your job to moving industries altogether, career coaching helps you step in the right direction.


Gaining a sense of fulfilment in your work comes from within, working towards your life purpose and what makes you truly happy.


With career coaching, you can receive 1-2-1 encouragement to understand how to find fulfilment in your current role, search for a new position, and transition to a new career. Career coaching helps you deal with burnout, how to prioritise your workload and work smarter.

Do you feel stuck in your career or seeking a promotion?


Do you want to feel more appreciated or loved?

Are you having trouble dating?

Or do you find it challenging to communicate with your significant other?

Relationship coaching shares the tools to make better decisions, build self-confidence, feel more valued and recognised, and communicate your feelings better. It’s an open portal designed to help you love yourself and optimise the love you feel around you.


Being a parent is tough, and challenges will strike you at all stages, teaching you more about yourself and what you can handle.


Do you yearn for a better relationship with your children?


Are you hoping to be a better parent?


Parenting coaching teaches you the tools and techniques of being more present and channelling positive energy. We’ll work together to build a better relationship with you, helping you form better relationships with your children.

the benefits of coaching

Coaching enables the clarity of what you want and identifies the barriers, creating a roadmap to align with where you want to go. My role is to push you outside your comfort zone and assist you in tapping into the powerful wisdom that will launch you into living your best life.


The benefits of life coaching

  • New opportunities: Life coaching walks you through new transitions and changes in life, helping you feel more confident in your decisions.

  • Pushes you in your goals: If your goals aren’t going to plan, life coaching helps you re-evaluate your attitude and show what changes you need to make to get things moving.

  • Stops that stuck feeling: If you’re feeling blocked from accomplishing your goals, life coaching helps you clear those painful beliefs you keep telling yourself - and enables you to find clarity on what you want.

  • Increases self-confidence, work performance and communication: 80% of people who receive coaching say their self-confidence increased. 70% improve their work performance, relationships, and communication.

  • Improves life skills: 73% of people who receive coaching say it has improved their interpersonal skills, relationships, work/life balance and wellness.

  • Companies have higher revenues: 51% of companies with a positive coaching culture achieve higher revenue than their competitors. 86% of companies report recouping their investment in coaching. It’s also known the median company ROI is 700% of its initial coaching investment, meaning the average company can expect a return of seven times their investment in coaching.


*Statistics from ICF, International Coaching Federation, The Human Capital Institute and Forbes.

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